Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Inspiration For This Blog

I LOVE ice cream. I love everything about ice cream. It's got fat; it's got sugar; it's got everything your body could possibly crave. What's not to like? If I could, I would eat ice cream 3 times a day.

Given my infatuation with ice cream, no one will be surprised to learn that for my birthday I asked my husband to buy me an ice cream maker, which he delivered on. Armed with my new ice cream maker, my goal is to make a flavor of ice cream a week over the next year. That's right folks, I'm going to make 32 flavors of ice cream and then some (for the mathematically challenged, that some is 20. 32+20 = 52 weeks in a year). Some of the flavors will be regular, ordinary flavors and some will be funky. All will be based entirely on my whim and fancy.

Fair warning: I am not an expert ice cream maker. This blog is meant to record my hilarious attempts at making ice cream. If you're looking for gourmet dessert or ice cream recipes, this blog is not for you. If you're looking to be amused and waste time on the internet instead of studying for that final tomorrow, paying attention to that work presentation that's happening right now or whatever else you're supposed to be doing, this blog is right up your alley. 

For those of you wondering why I keep saying "32 flavors and then some?", this comes from an Ani DiFranco song. When I was in high school, Ani DiFranco spoke to my angsty, feminist, teenage soul. I played her CD Not A Pretty Girl so many times I'm surprised it didn't break. 32 Flavors was one of my favorite songs. The song has nothing to do with ice cream, but the name works with the theme of this blog, so I thought I'd pay homage to the Righteous Babe.

In addition to making 52 flavors of ice cream over the course of the year, I also plan on ranking existing ice cream shops to help out the other ice cream lovers in the world. The genius for this idea came from my husband while we were in standing in a 40 minute line for the Michelin ranked Din Tai Fung in Taiwan. Per usual, I was talking about my love of ice cream and decrying the scarcity of ice cream parlors in Asia (America this may be the key to your obesity problem). My husband turned to me and said why don't you start a Michelin ranking for ice cream? Thus, the one scoop, two scoop, three scoop and three scoops with a cherry on top system was born. One scoop is the lowest, three scoops with a cherry on top is the highest. My comments are offered in parentheses.

Until next time, keep calm and get your ice cream eating on.

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